
The PCDC will take on a broad range of issues which fit within the scope of what we stand for.

It’s not enough to identify an issue, we must take a stance, set an objective, develop a strategy, and plan on how to achieve the objective; and then act on it.

The advocacy program is designed to bring to focus specific issues and gain community support to solve them. This may come in many forms, from support of Community Works activities to publicly advocating and fighting initiatives that are contrary to our values.

The process of the advocacy program is to:

  • Review the issue by the PCDC members
  • Agree upon a position/stance that we will support
  • Develop a strategy of activities that we can pursue to achieve our objectives
  • Track those activities and communicate it widely to garner support
  • Report on both progress and closure


ISSUE: While PCDC heartily supports green energy alternatives to fossil fuels, the solar proposals being received in Page County have not been in the best interest of our struggling economy and farming culture. The bottom line of these proposals is without concern for the impact, and they lack due diligence in safely locating industrial solar farms.

PCDC POSITION: We support clean energy alternatives to fossil fuels and are committed to seeking ways to reduce the impact of climate change while protecting the quality of life for County residents, many of whom have retired here precisely for the rural atmosphere. Yet we also understand the need to balance global climate concerns with common sense approaches that consider potential negative impact. For this reason,

  1. We support the ordinance regarding industrial solar passed by the Page County Board of Supervisors.
  2. We support the upcoming Department of Environmental Quality guidance mandating that industrial solar panels be classified as impervious.
  3. We support retaining local control and knowledge for the siting of solar, and other, facilities in a commonsense approach to identifying solutions to problems.
  4. We support the needs of the farming community, as well as the needs of other residents and visitors, to protect the County’s agricultural land and heritage.


Some PC Dems attended many meetings on the topic of industrial solar and contributed to the common-sense action of the Board of Supervisors (and state officials). Industrial solar is now off the table for a year, and our voices have been heard regarding a divisive bill before Virginia legislators granting rights to corporations over local jurisdiction’s rights to determine land use. If passed, this bill would have taken away land-owners’ rights to their own land.

While we have a year to consider our industrial solar stance, we need volunteers to continue to monitor land-use legislation, especially that which is presented to the BOS, but also state and national legislation that will impact the Shenandoah Valley.

Shenandoah River Quality Testing


ISSUE: The Shenandoah River is under continuing assault from becoming a clean source of water, recreation and fishing.

PCDC POSITION: The Shenandoah River and tributaries are a vital part of the local culture so must be protected, monitored, and possible assaults on river quality curtailed. It is especially important to prevent health risks before engaging in water recreational activities.

ACTION STATUS: Our Community Works program has partnered with the Friends of the Shenandoah River (FOSR) and presented the work that is being done to monitor our beloved river. The BOS has approved funding for additional e-coli sites (especially for those sites at access points and recreational attractions) and testing equipment and materials.

Other issues PCDC is committed to finding solutions for are:

PCDC LOGO building a better community

P.O. BOX 401
Luray, VA, 22835
