
The PCDC will take on a broad range of issues which fit within the scope of what we stand for.

It’s not enough to identify an issue, we must take a stance, set an objective, develop a strategy, and plan on how to achieve the objective; and then act on it.

The advocacy program is designed to bring to focus specific issues and gain community support to solve them. This may come in many forms, from support of Community Works activities to publicly advocating and fighting initiatives that are contrary to our values.

The process of the advocacy program is to:

  • Review the issue by the PCDC members
  • Agree upon a position/stance that we will support
  • Develop a strategy of activities that we can pursue to achieve our objectives
  • Track those activities and communicate it widely to garner support
  • Report on both progress and closure



Federal funding has been allotted for upgrading local internet to high-speed “broadband” service. However, a basic logistical hurdle of utility poles requiring upgrading has slowed down progress. Local and state governments are debating the funding source for the pole upgrades.

Virginia Democrats support the continued upgrade of internet service availability in rural areas, so must take steps to break through the logistical logjam.

Volunteers are needed to monitor this issue by keeping abreast of its presentation in legislature and attending BoS meetings where it is on the agenda.

Other issues PCDC is committed to finding solutions for are:

PCDC LOGO building a better community

P.O. BOX 401
Luray, VA, 22835