PCDC MEETING THURSDAY Aug. 1st, 6:30pm at the Rec Center 630 W. Main Street Luray


This past month has been an emotional rollercoaster, marked by the disheartening Biden debate, the RNC, the deification of Trump after the assassination attempt, Biden stepping aside, and the absolute euphoria of Kamala Harris becoming the presidential candidate. Like a dam waiting to burst, Kamala Harris’s positioning at the top of the Democratic ticket has revitalized our belief in a Democratic future. Our excitement has only been amplified by Kamala’s precise attacks on Trump and MAGA Republicans. She is delivering the sharp critiques we hoped Joe Biden would, leaving Trump and his supporters speechless.

We need to seize this moment to build momentum and educate voters on Harris’s vision of hope and democracy, contrasted with Trump’s authoritarian agenda and Project 2025. Trump has openly stated that this will be the last election if he wins, as he plans to “fix” things to stay in power and destroy our democracy.

I absolutely love JD Vance! For the past two years, we’ve struggled to penetrate the armor of Teflon Don. In just a few weeks, JD Vance has caused irreparable turmoil within the Trump/MAGA party with every word he speaks, jeopardizing votes from women, youth, childless women, and those who can’t reconcile his sudden transformation from Trump critic to MAGA loyalist for personal gain. Every day he remains on the ticket, his hypocritical and misogynistic disdain for women adds more Blue voters who see through his facade. I can’t think of another Democratic weapon we could have unleashed more destructive and effective than JD Vance. GO JD!


  • The 4×8 Biden/Harris sign in the parking lot next to our headquarters was vandalized last weekend and the perpetrators have been caught. Over 12,000 views of the “Letter to the Editor” describing this crime has been seen on Page Valley News in the past week which means it’s probably gone viral beyond Page County.
  • Link to article CLICK HERE


  • New 4×8 roadside banner signs are being ordered to reflect Harris for President and they will be installed on all of the current locations such as Rt. 340 north and south. Additional signs will be set up on Susan Corbett’s parking lot.


  • 3,500 postcards will have been mailed to Page County residents by the time of our meeting this Thursday for our first of three mailings. The targeted list represents the intersection of women, left leaning Republicans, Independents and Moderates. A second postcard is in the design phase targeted for September.


  • Bette Schmidt has requested volunteers to staff the headquarters. Please contact Bette Schmidt to sign up at: 1709socrates@gmail.com
  • A rack card/door hanger will be design to leave by the HQ door so visitors can still pick up some information if no one is staffing the office.


  • Volunteers are needed to staff the Democratic booth at the County Fair. Set up will begin on Aug. 18 with the Fair running from Aug.19-24th 6-9pm.There will be a Ken Mitchell fundraiser party at the Daughters of the Stars theater in Stanley on Aug. 23rd but reservations must be made in advance to attend. (See description below)
  • Please contact Wendy Brown at wendybrownmua@gmail.com or call at 540-742-1753 to schedule a time slot to volunteer.

CD6 Congressional Candidate KEN MITCHELL 

  • A fundraiser concert will be held for CD6 Congressional candidate Ken Mitchell on Aug. 23rd 5:30-8:30pm at the Daughters of the Stars theater in Stanley. An RSVP is required so please RSVP by calling Kay Briggs at 703-447-2122. You can also make direct contribution to Ken’s campaign at KENMITCHELLFORVA.COM.

Jeanne Russell out of Shenandoah County has created a Twitter (X) and Instagram account for the Ken Mitchell Campaign.

They can be viewed at:

  •  Twitter @Mitchell4VA
  • Instagram @MitchellforVA


  • Approval of Last months meeting minutes and Treasurer’s report
  • Activities for the next 3 months till the Election
    • Main challenges to reach 5,000 swing voters in Page County
    • Help other County Democratic Committees with poster designs, etc.
    • Postcard mailings
    • Events
    • Canvasing
    • Articles
  • Fair participation
  • CW update (click here for update description)
  • Treasurer’s Report