Agenda for PCDC May Monthly Meeting

  4. Inter County activities
  5. Rural Retreat
  6. Delegates
  7. Fundraising event for Ken Mitchell
  8. PCDC: Headquarters opening, schedule, promotion
  9. Website updates
  10. PCDC Annual fundraising event
  12. CW Status


  • May 2nd, 6:30 pm, Location: the Rec Center 630 W. Main St., Luray


  • Ken Mitchell speaking in Woodstock
  • Tim Kaine visits Luray for his book signing at the Mimslyn Inn then dropped by our PCDC Headquarters
  • Rural Retreat
  • Sharing of information Bath County, Shenandoah, Warren
  • Graphics
  • VAN Training
  • Established account access for PCDC VAN access
  • Postcard “Friends” by Penny Gray created, planning distribution and offering to other counties
  • PCDC Headquarters opening scheduled for May 5th
  • New signs printed for the headquarters and Rt. 340
  • Rural Ground Game billboard on Rt. 211 leaving Luray
  • Held first meeting on PCDC Annual Fundraiser scheduled for June 30th, Don Beyer keynote speaker, Ken Mitchell speaking before Don Beyer
  • Establishing an Endorsement program for Ken Mitchell
  • PCDC ActBlue donations up and running on website
  • PCDC Annual fundraising ticketing on ActBlue up and running on website

Account Report

March Updates:

  • Community Works and Friends of the Shenandoah River (FOSR)- Friends of the Shenandoah River is the non-profit that helps us all by testing and publishing E. coli levels in the river. During the summer, the Friends test 2 sites in Page County along with 13 other sites downstream.
  • We have spoken with the Luray Town Council and the Board of Supervisors seeking funding to expand the number of testing sites in Page. Community Works and the Friends of the Shenandoah River have developed a “Friends’ Raiser” to raise awareness, volunteer support, and funds.
  • See our discussion with the Luray Town Council: (Skip ahead to minute 40 of the video)
  • Luray Town Council approved $2,500 in funding support to FOSR.
  • Response from the Page County Board of Supervisors-coming soon.
  • NEW: Interview with Page Valley News on YouTube:
  • Action item: Deadline: May 3rd- Resident letters to BOS supporting the “Friends Raiser”
  • Boat Landing/ River Clean Up Review: Saturday, April 27th from 11-2 at the Alma Boat Landing in Stanley.
  • Approximately 25 volunteers removed a truck bed full of trash. Including: 2 and a half pairs of boots, a toaster, trash can, window fan, tote, tire, barbed wire, and the usual suspects; cigarette butts, cans, glass, fishing line, metals. Joined by the Friends of the Shenandoah River for an E. coli testing demonstration and the Shenandoah Riverkeeper for a river safety presentation in partnership with Trash Free Shenandoah.

Happenings in May:

Volunteer support at PCDC Roadside Clean Up- Volunteers will join Page County Democrats for their upcoming biannual adopt a highway roadside clean up on rt 340 on Saturday May 11th 8-10am. Volunteers needed: 2-4

Supply Drive benefiting the Rec partnering with Bethel Baptist Church- Bethel Baptist Church is holding a Fish Fry on Saturday May 18th from 11am to 3pm. At the same time/location Community Works will be collecting supplies from the community benefiting the Rec. For a lunch ticket call:(540) 743-9452 – 18 Carillon Drive Luray Volunteers needed: 2-3

Poem Contest- Community Works is sponsoring a tree on the Hawksbill Greenway. Submit a poem to be displayed on the Community Works plaque. Have your poem and support of Community Works immortalized on the Greenway! Write a short 3 line poem about nature and send it to our email:
Poem example at:

Community Partnership for Good Deeds Day- We are supporting our infirm neighbors that need a helping hand in May. We have met with the client of Page One to get an assessment and overview of their needs. Action item: Tell us if you know anyone or businesses willing to help us complete any of these client needs by donating supplies, lending tools, or just volunteering your time: Yard work- trimming bushes away from the home, mulching, deck staining, replacing an old ramp to a storage shed, installing weather stripping around doors, screen door repair. Volunteers needed 4-6

Volunteer Support at Free Market Friday’s with the Community Gardens

We would like to have 2-4 volunteers to support this ongoing effort through the growing season. Volunteers can either help with the market or help in the garden to complete garden chores.
May 31st 10-1 Luray Garden- Plant swap & Free Market Friday
June 28th 9-12 Shenandoah Garden
July 26th 9-12 Stanley Garden
August 30th 9-12 Luray Garden

End of May or June: Be on the lookout for information about our next postcard writing gathering.

How to help: Volunteer with us. Connect Community Works with a local group that you have personal connections with. Alert Community Works if you hear of events serving community needs.

Facebook Action Item: Like, Follow, and Share: Community Works 4Page and the National Community Works FB: Community Works
Sharing is caring: Invite your friends and family.

Have an idea that might fit in with Community Works? Let’s chat!