• Since President Biden took office, his economic plan – Bidenomics – has been growing our economy from the bottom up and middle out:
    • 3.5% unemployment—near historic lows and under 4% for 18 months in a row—the longest stretch in over 50 years,
    • 187,000 jobs added last month for over 13 million jobs created since President Biden took office,
    • The economy beat expectations and grew at a strong 2.4% rate last quarter.
    • The share of prime working-age Americans with jobs is at a 20-year high,
    • The best two year period for new business applications on record, and we’re on track for a third.
  • And people are feeling the economic progress:
    • Consumer confidence at a two-year high,
    • About 3/4 of Americans are satisfied with their financial well being,
    • Job satisfaction is at a record high.
  • Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s presidency showed what MAGA control of our economy looks like, and we can’t go back. His record speaks for itself:
    • Left office with the worst jobs record since the Great Depression,
    • Proposed cuts to Medicare and Social Security programs every year he was in office,
    • Blew up the deficit to give massive tax cuts that rigged the economy for the ultra-wealthy and big corporations, 
    • Created incentives to ship jobs overseas,
    • Turned “infrastructure week” into a punchline that he failed to deliver.