• MAGA Republicans’ economic trickle-down plan has failed Americans: it created new incentives to ship jobs overseas, hurt main-street businesses, and blew up the deficit.
  • Just this week, MAGA Mike Johnson is kicking off his speakership by doubling down on a failed MAGAnomics agenda that would add to our deficit, give a hall pass to corporate tax cheats, and undermine the safety of our allies around the world. 
  • This is the latest example of Republicans doubling down on their extreme MAGAnomics agenda that would harm the American economy. They want to:
    • Cut taxes even further for the wealthy and big corporations,
    • Cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid,
    • Raise costs for families by gutting investments in the middle class.
  • Meanwhile, Bidenomics is about growing the economy from the bottom up and middle out – and it’s working:
    • Nearly 14 million jobs created,
    • Historic annual rate of 4.9% GDP growth,
    • Record high wealth for American families last year,
    • Inflation has fallen 60% since last summer,
    • Businesses have announced more than $600 billion in investments in manufacturing and clean energy.